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Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts are Kraidli.M's most enjoyable hobbies.


Through Arts and Crafts, Kraidli.M experiments and discovers new ways and techniques to implement their artistic touch into their work. 

Arts and Crafts: Projects

Custom Jewelry

For the Jewelry class, Kraidli.M learned how to cut, shape, and weld metal.

Using the thin blade saw, they learned how to carefully cut the shape from the metal and how to make curves without breaking the blade.

They were asked to make several pendants, rings, and earrings.

Arts and Crafts: Text
Arts and Crafts: Pro Gallery

Resurfaced Vase

For the Surface Studio, we were asked to bring two random objects.

This project was all about resurfacing and bringing the object to life through spray painting it white, generating a pattern inspired by these objects, then applying these patterns to the surface.

Arts and Crafts: Text
Arts and Crafts: Pro Gallery

Trompe L'oeil

For the Drawing Studio class, they were asked to take strips of paper and create a name with them on a board.

Then they were asked to draw the shape we created with the lighting effect, shadows, and highlights.

Arts and Crafts: Text
Arts and Crafts: Pro Gallery
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